Hello everyone, my name is Jess and I usually blog over at Boudoir Blogging. This post is a little different from what I usually write about but I'm hoping it will help at least one person. My post is all about weight, it's something I've struggled with a while now and I would like to share my story with you. (Cheesy right)
I've been meaning to write this for a while, but I just kept putting it off, why? Because lets face it who really likes to talk about home truths? But here it goes:
When I was at school I was never really concerned with weight, probably because it wasn't an issue. It didn't get to me that much because I was the same as everyone else. I didn't exactly do much exercise but a had to walk a couple of miles to school and back again, that and the fact I didn't really eat a great deal meant I wasn't exactly big - Huge mistake.
Fast forward to when I left school. I went into work, this is where the problem really started, I began to eat more but I ate junk, not only that but I passed my driving test and even a 5 minute walk I whipped into my car and drove. The pounds started to add on. About a year into my job I got into a relationship, cue takeaways, nights at the cinema, and meals out. It all added up and i'd gone from a size 8 to almost pushing a size 14. It took a while for me to see it but once I did, that's all I saw. Body image consumed me, I would torture myself looking up pictures of celebrities, looking up their clothing size and wondering why is it they look so good and I don't (i'll go into that more later). From the celebrities it moved and it went onto people I know. I was filled with not only envy of these people but so much anger at myself, the only person I had to blame for this was me.
The food side took a while, I started cutting out food all together again but it wasn't the answer, I did research and spent a lot of money on a so called diet plan (I won't mention the name) where you had shakes to replace 2 meals a day and one measly meal... safe to say I realized day 1 it wasn't going to work and i'd wasted a lot of money! I was left wondering what my options were. It wasn't until I saw a girl I knew doing so well at loosing weight that I dug a little deeper and found out she was on Slimming World! I joined and for a good couple of months I stuck at it. I lost weight and started feeling really good about myself! But I got bored of the food, I was eating the same thing over and over (those of you who do slimming world know how it works, I couldn't take any more muller lights) and so I quit (bad i know) but that wasn't the end of my journey!
Since then myself and my partner moved in together, I joined a gym, I now try and go around 3-4 times a week. I'm only 2 months in but I feel so much better for it! A gym is not as scary as it seems, I promise. I was petrified at first but now I love it. I'm surrounded by people who all want the same thing and everyone is there to support each other! I'm a size 10-12 right now which for me isn't ideal but for now i'm happy. The guy who owns the gym I go to is starting up a bootcamp in January and he really nicely asked me to take part and see what I think of it. My weight journey is still on going but this post isn't finished just yet!
To each and every one of you reading this please know, there is no quick fix to weight loss, it takes hard work and determination. Please don't get hung up on it, it's so unhealthy to do this and it doesn't really help, it just drags you down. The celebrities we look at and envy they look great because it's part of their job, they can afford a dietitian (or two) and can afford personal trainers who can devote time to them 100%, sadly were not all that lucky. Those girls we all know and envy? Don't go by what you see on the pictures, no one knows whats going on in the background, just because someone says they don't watch what they eat doesn't mean it's true and for those of you who can eat what you like? Congrats, you have no idea how lucky you are!
The thing to remember is we're all different, we all have a different body shape and type and you have to embrace what you do have rather than longing for what someone else has got, I know that's hard to do believe me! I have a smaller frame on top and larger hips which i'd change in a heart beat but, that's what I've got and i have to make the most of it! You weight doesn't reflect who you are and those who think it does, they're not worth your breath, be happy with yourself and that will show.
I hope you enjoyed this post!
Image source: http://pictureslovequotes.com/best-quotes-to-meditate/
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