Sunday, 19 October 2014

Do YOU want to get involved with my blog?

Hey! How are you all? This post is more of an update than anything and I want to put a few ideas out to you. Starting a new year at university and keeping up with volunteering means when I do get free time, I want to spend it with loved ones (or taking a nap), so unfortunately, my blog tends to take the back seat.

This blog, so far, has had a really great response, so I want to try as much as possible to keep up with regular posts as much as I can, but I know that I'm going to struggle to do that as the work load at uni increases, so I've come up with a couple of ideas to keep the blog going until I can find time to do posts that I'm happy with and that are good enough, rather than write a post for the sake of it...

I've been thinking for a little while about having a guest blogger do a post for the blog and think now would be the perfect time to have one. The whole aim of this blog is to try and increase body confidence by sharing experiences,  giving advice on how to overcome insecurities and to remind everyone that they are beautiful! I think it would be great to have others share their stories and advice too! Do you think you could be a guest blogger? If you have an experience that you'd like to share or any advice you would like to give or just want to write about anything that is linked to body confidence then email me @ telling me your idea for a post and I will get back to you as soon as I can and we can sort it all out!  

Another idea was to post a question or topic and have people comment on the post with their advice based on the question or topic? (This idea may be a bit more hit and miss). I've already had some lovely ladies leave their own thoughts in a comment on some of my previous posts and I love reading them and finding out what others think. I know that there are some issues when trying to leave comments, but, if enough people do like the sound of this, I think it could be really successful!  If  the commenting is too much of an issue maybe a twitter chat could be arranged?

I'd love your help and to hear your thoughts on this. I really appreciate when people take the time out to read and comment and I take everything on board!

And finally on a quick note, you may have read my last post (read here) on my thoughts about Dan Wootton's 'No More Skinny' campaign in The Sun and how I didn't agree with his approach (since this post, I haven't seen anything more on this... hopefully he is rethinking his approach) but recently I have come across another campaign which is great, puts across the right message and is trying to "change attitudes to body image and build a body confident nation". Go and check out from what I've seen so far, I think it's great!

Looking forward to (hopefully) hearing back from some of you! x

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