Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Going to University? Tips and Advice...

This post is a bit different to my usual ones, but freshers week is fast approaching for some people and I thought I could give some good advice and tips! I've technically been a fresher twice (I did a foundation year before I started my degree), so I guess you could say I've got a lot of experience! When I first started at university, I was so nervous and scared, but when it came to me starting my degree, I was completely ready for it and full of confidence! So here's a bit of a heads ups with what to expect and some tips along the way...

  • Be confident and say hi! It's hard to make friends when everyone is sat quiet in a lecture theatre, so if you want to make new friends you have to be confident and introduce yourself. I met one of my best friends waiting outside of a classroom. I asked her if I was in the right place, then introduced myself and we soon got chatting. Turned out we had the exact same timetable.
  • Join a club or society. This is a great way to meet people who have the same interests/ hobby/ passion as you.
  • Make the most of the facilities. Especially as you're paying so much to actually go to university. Make full use of the library, computer rooms and study areas. If you ever have spare time between lessons, go and get a little bit of work done, even if it's only half a hour. It makes a huge difference in the long run.
  • Keep up to date with lectures. You'll be bound to miss some lectures (some because you're too hungover from the night before, or because you're just too  lazy to get out of bed - I'm guilty of doing both!), but it's important that you go over any work that you've missed and make some notes. The lecture you missed could have had some important information that you need for an exam that could be the difference between one grade and the next or even the difference between a pass and fail.
  • When you get an assignment, start the research straight away. No one ever does the work as soon as they get it, especially when you've got months to get it done. But even if you don't start the actual essay straight away, get the bulk of your research done! You'll be amazed just how long this will take you and just how much you have to read through before you find anything even remotely useful, so get most of it out the way asap!
  • Referencing is a nightmare. I'm pretty sure it takes longer to do than the actual essay you're set. But there are reference generating websites out there! Google them! You just have to enter the information and it will put it all in the correct order and format. I wish I'd discovered them earlier. Major time saver.
  • Try to have a balanced diet and eat well. This can be difficult when you're pretty restricted money wise (as you'll spend a lot of your money on nights out, alcohol and takeaways..). But it's important to eat as well as you can (might even be an idea to have multivitamins). I actually became anaemic due to not eating a wide enough variety of food, which lead to me being too tired to attend lectures... Not great
  • Beware of Freshers Flu! Chances are you will get it. All you will hear during the first couple weeks of lessons is people coughing, sniffing and sneezing! Stock up on cold and flu medicine. You'll need it.
  • Have fun! Don't sacrifice your studies for a social life or vice versa. Divide your time between them both and make the most of your time there. They really aren't kidding when they say uni is the best time of your life, and it flies by! I can't wait to go back!
If you are going to university, good luck and I hope you have the time of your life! X

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