Monday, 22 September 2014

Me time - Pamper Yourself!

In this hectic world, it almost seems impossible to get a minute to ourselves sometimes. Taking time out of your day to focus on just you is really important, I think. Whether it's half an hour, an hour, an afternoon, or an evening, it's never a bad thing to give yourself some TLC. A bit of time where you don't have to worry about anything or anyone, relax and do whatever you like!

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Going to University? Tips and Advice...

This post is a bit different to my usual ones, but freshers week is fast approaching for some people and I thought I could give some good advice and tips! I've technically been a fresher twice (I did a foundation year before I started my degree), so I guess you could say I've got a lot of experience! When I first started at university, I was so nervous and scared, but when it came to me starting my degree, I was completely ready for it and full of confidence! So here's a bit of a heads ups with what to expect and some tips along the way...

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Dealing with Eczema

Eczema is pretty common and most people will have suffered from it a little at some point and if you have, you'll understand just how annoying it is. I've suffered from eczema quite badly for as long as I can remember and has been the reason for feeling majorly self consciousness at times. I was told when I was younger that I would 'grow out of it' but at 20 years old, I'm still dealing with it...

Monday, 1 September 2014

Liebster award!

I'd like to thank the Charlie - Rhianne for nominating me for a Liebster award! Check her out at !

This is definitely the icing on the cake after a week of lovely responses to my blog and interacting with lots of other fab bloggers.

My Questions from Charlie- Rhianne:

1. What is your favourite type of food?
     Italian. I'm particularly obsessed with pizza.

2. Who is your role model?
    I absolutely adore Lucy Watson; her style, personality, ambition and the way she deals with situations,       shes very true to herself and loyal to friends. I like that.  
3. If you could be gifted with a creative talent, what would it be?
     Probably dancing.

4. Name one thing you can't live without?
     Probably my iPad. Sad, but true.

5. Morning person? Or night owl?
     Definitely a night person, hate hate hate mornings.

6. If you could have a free education, what would you study? Why?
      I'm studying Biology now, so it would still be that if it was free. I find it really interesting.

7. If you could tick one thing off your bucket list, what would you choose?
     To go on safari in Africa! 

8. Favourite film?

9. What is your dream job?
      I'm hoping to have a career in researching diseases.

10. Favourite hobby?
        Sleeping, haha!

11. You're standing in a fast food restaurant, what do you order?
     A Cheeseburger.