Sunday, 23 November 2014

Too shy to go to the gym...

This week, I actually need YOUR advice...
Late this summer, I joined the gym. I was full of motivation to get fit, but so far, I've made very little progress. I will hold my hands up and admit that this is partly due to my motivation flying out of the window (being curled up in bed is always going to sound better). But the major reason is that I'm just too shy to go...

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Should it be declared when Photoshop has been used in magazines and adverts?

If you've read my blog before, you will know I like to put my two pence in when it comes to current topics that relate to body image. And the recent images published of Keira Knightley and Kim Kardashian West have got me thinking... should it be declared when Photoshop (or any other image editing software) has been used to alter someone's appearance?

Sunday, 9 November 2014


Today, I've got a great post by Taylor from Taylor challenged herself with the question 'Why do we bother to wear make up?' and has written her thoughts after doing her own experiment. It's one that makes you think and we would both love to hear yours thoughts and experiences too. Enjoy! 

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Are we becoming too nitpicky on what is and isn't a good promotion of body image?

Most of you will have seen the picture of a girl stood next to the Topshop mannequin, which recently went viral and prompted lots of criticism towards Topshop for promoting a poor body image. For me personally though, it prompted a different (and possibly controversial) thought - are we getting too nitpicky when it comes to our views on what is and isn't a good promotion for body image?